Soaring High

Jan 1, 2022 | Training & Education


Funded by generous donations from ARA Member Automotive Recyclers, the Scholarship Foundation provides financial gifts to children of automotive recycling working families. This is a real return on investment for their future – and ours.

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Please consider a tax-deductible donation in any amount or a named scholarship to honor a person of your choice, with a $1,000 donation for one year. For a $10,000 donation, a permanent scholarship may be named. Contributions may be made by cash, check, MasterCard, Visa, or American Express.

To make your donation to the ARA Scholarship Foundation, please contact ARA Director of Member Services, Kelly Badillo at (571) 208-0428 or via email at

The ARA Scholarship Foundation, Inc. provides a rare opportunity to give something from your business that can directly reward the workforce that supports this industry. At the same time, you contribute to the growth and development of our youth. Your support of the ARA Scholarship Foundation does exactly that.

The ARA Scholarship Foundation is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote education through the awarding of scholarships based on scholastic achievement. The funds are available only to ARA members’ employees or their children for post-high school educational pursuits. Scholarships are funded through contributions from people like you, who care about the future of our children. Each year, the Foundation awards approximately $30,000 – $50,000 to deserving students. We appreciate all of you who generously contributed to this effort. 


Southern Ontario Auto Recyclers (SOAR) Scholarship

Benjamin Andrade

Bryant University, Smithfield, RI

Member:  Everett’s Auto Parts, Brockton, MA

Parent:  Thomas Andrade

Sandy Andersen Memorial Scholarship

Hannah Andrade

Lesley University, Cambridge, MA

Member:  Everett’s Auto Parts, Brockton, MA

Parent:  Thomas Andrade

Ashley Geiger Memorial Scholarship

Kameron Asquith

State Technical College of Missouri, Linn, MO

Member:  Yancey Auto Salvage, Perry, MO

Parent:  Timothy Asquith

Terry Gray Honorial Scholarship

Megan Bartz

University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Lincoln, NE

Member:  Kramer’s Auto Parts & Iron, Grand Island, NE

Parent:  Timothy Bartz

Skip Weller Honorial Scholarship

Jaden Braaten

University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD

Member:  Nordstrom’s Automotive Inc., Garretson, SD

Parent:  Tim Braaten

New York Assn. of Auto Dismantlers Scholarship

Lauren Clark

Castleton University, Castleton, VT

Member:  Fenix Parts – Queensbury, Queensbury, NY

Parent:  Frederick Clark

Mark Buessing Memorial Scholarship

Maizie Dickson

Augustana University, Sioux Falls, SD

Member:  Nordstrom's Auto Recycling, Garretson, SD

Parent:  Keith Dickson

Nancy Hall Memorial Scholarship

Sydney DiMarzio

Universtiy of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

Member:  Linder's Inc., Worcester, MA

Parent:  Chris DiMarzio

Katie & Alex Lieberman Family Memorial Scholarship

Serena Dugan

State University of New York at Brockport, Brockport, NY

Member:  Gary’s U-Pull-It/Fenix Parts, Binghamton, NY

Parent:  James Dugan

Harry M. Weller Memorial Scholarship

Dylan Fernald

Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY

Member:  Wilbert's, Inc., Webster, NY

Parent:  Robert Fernald

Fay Orcutt Memorial Scholarship

Lissete Hernandez

Dominican University, River Forest, IL

Member:  ABC Auto Parts, Riverdale, IL

Parent:  Rosa Hernandez

Don & Carol Phelps Memorial Scholarship

Ryan Hess

West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV

Member:  Spalding Auto Parts, Spokane, WA

Parent:  Russell A. Hess

Ken Vonhof Memorial Scholarship

Jacob Hollensteiner

University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI

Member:  Yancey Auto Parts, Perry, MO

Parent:  David Hollensteiner

Richard J. Cassidy Memorial Scholarship

Courtney Holt

SUNY Delhi State University, Delhi, NY

Member:  Dutcher's Inc, Morrisville, NY

Parent:  Jeffrey Holt

Brandy Mason Memorial Scholarship

Kenneth Huynh

Lone Star College University, Houston, TX

Member:  Airline Auto Parts, Houston, TX

Parent:  Linh Huynh

Billy Standridge Memorial Scholarship

Chapman Johnson

Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS

Member:  Auto World Salvage & Sales, Mobile, AL

Parent:  Bryant Johnson

EZ Crusher Scholarship

Dawson Johnson

Augustana University, Sioux Falls, SD

Member:  Vander Haag's, Inc., Sioux Falls, SD

Parent:  David Johnson

Dick & Dorothy Merrell Honorial Scholarship

Christopher Lawson

University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

Member:  LKQ Central California, Bakersfield, CA

Parent:  Sean Lawson

Gerald C. Sheftel Memorial Scholarship

Hailey Lindsley

Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO

Member:  Knik Towing & Wrecking, Wasilla, AK

Parent:  Kenneth Lindsley

G.M. Veneklasen Memorial Scholarship

Victoria Melton

James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA

Member:  Chesterfield Auto Parts, Richmond, VA

Parent:  Virginia Melton

Bill Weaver Honorial Scholarship

Alexis Morris

Longwood University, Farmville, VA

Member:  Cunningham Brothers Used Auto Parts, Rustburg, VA

Parent:  Stephanie Williams

Carol Phelps Memorial Scholarship

Terra Munns

Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA

Member:  Spalding Auto Parts, Inc., Spokane Valley, WA

Parent:  Nathan Munns

Joseph Altfater Memorial Scholarship

Aliah Orellana

Washington State University, Pullman, WA

Member:  Spalding Auto Parts, Spokane, WA

Parent:  Carlos Orellana

Wanda Lindeman Memorial Scholarship

Xavier Osuna

Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL

Member:  Bionic Auto Parts & Sales, Chicago, IL

Parent:  Christian Osuna

Kenny Hubbard Memorial Scholarship

Christian Pacifico

Penn State University, University Park, PA

Member:  Stoystown Auto Wreckers, Stoystown, PA

Parent:  Joe Pacifico

Virginia Whelan Honorial Scholarship

Hailey Pieper

University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD

Member:  Nordstrom's Aumotive, Inc., Garretson, SD

Parent:  Scot Pieper

Don Cowell Honorial Scholarship

Isaac Pingel

Morningside College, Sioux City, IA

Member:  Vander Haag's, Inc., Spencer, IA

Parent:  Kari Pingel

Steve Waterbury Memorial Scholarship

Savannah Quandt

Maryville University, St. Louis, MO

Member:  Quandt Auto Salvage, Carroll, IA

Parent:  Mathew Quandt

Susan Weaver Memorial Scholarship

Cameron Riley

Longwood University, Farmville, VA

Member:  Johnson’s Mustang & Truck Parts, Chesapeake, VA

Parent:  Tamera Carter

Region IV Arizona & New Mexico Scholarship

Emma Sewell

Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

Member:  Arizona Auto & Truck Parts, Inc., Phoenix, AZ

Parent:  Russell Sewell

Elvis Muntz Memorial Scholarship

Thomas Sewell

Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

Member:  Arizona Auto & Truck Parts, Inc., Phoenix, AZ

Parent:  Russell Sewell

Bo Wroten Honorial Scholarship

Nathan Shane

Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL

Member:  Brandon Auto Salvage, Valrico, FL

Parent:  Jodie Shane

Stuart Spitz Honorial Scholarship

Alexandra Shubert

Millersville University, Millersville, PA

Member:  Fenix Parts – Binghamton, Binghamton, NY

Parent:  Scott Shubert

Edythe Cleland Memorial Scholarship

Reagan Shultz

Missouri Western State University, St. Joseph, MO

Member:  Yancey Auto Salvage, Perry, MO

Parent:  Kenneth Reynolds

LKQ Corp. Scholarship

Emily Smith

Washburn University, Topeka, KS

Member:  LKQ Mid-America Auto Parts, Topeka, KS

Parent:  Earl Smith

Claude A. Miller, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Patrick Smith

Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

Member:  LKQ Mid-America, Topeka, KS

Parent:  Earl Smith

Linda Pitman Honorial Scholarship

Molly Snow

University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, WI

Member:  Bay Auto Parts, Green Bay, WI

Parent:  Jay Snow

Mark T. Spears Honorial Scholarship

Claire Stack

University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign, Champaign, IL

Member:  City Auto Wreckers, Aurora, IL

Parent:  Gene Stack

Nan Toder Memorial Scholarship

Abigail Steinbeck

Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA

Member:  Stoystown Auto Wreckers, Stoystown,

PA Parent:  James Steinbeck

Sol & Lin Toder Honorial Scholarship

Jacob Steinbeck

Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA

Member:  Stoystown Auto Wreckers, Stoystown, PA

Parent:  James Steinbeck

David Autry Memorial Scholarship

Leah Turner

Wayne Community College, Goldsboro, NC

Member:  Wayne Auto Salvage, Inc., Goldsboro, NC

Parent:  Vernon E. Turner II

Donald E. & Bernice L. Beagell Memorial Scholarship

Cody Uken

University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD

Member:  Nordstrom's Aumotive, Inc., Garretson, SD

Parent:  Randy Uken

John Vander Haag Honorial Scholarship

Dustin VanDam

University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth, MN

Member:  Norddstroms Auto Sales, Garretson, SD

Parent:  Douglas VanDam

Jan Sorenson Memorial Scholarship

Makenna Weddle

Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN

Member:  Bill Smith Auto Parts, Danville, IL

Parent:  Frank Weddle

Norman Dulaney Memorial Scholarship

Myra Williamson

University of Texas – Arlington, Arlington, TX

Member:  Pick-n-Pull, Inc SA, San Antonio, TX

Parent:  Lloyd Welty

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