Horizon: Connecting Again

Jan 1, 2022 | Industry

By Sandy Blalock • ARA Executive Director

It was so great to see so many people at the ARA 78th Annual Convention and Expo in November. It’s been far too long to have to wait to get together once again for our annual event. Although our virtual 77th Annual was an enormous success, there is nothing like being able to shake hands, hug and be together, albeit sometimes still with masks for some but nonetheless in the flesh and up close and personal.

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We hope that those who attended had a wonderful time and enjoyed their time in Dallas. It was certainly a week full of camaraderie, education, networking, and wow, wasn’t the Expo something special this year? I hope that whether you were able to make the convention or not, you have our next convention on your schedule for 2022. It’s a little earlier than usual, September 22-24th, but will be worth attending. It’s going to be at the Dolphin Walt Disney Resort in Orlando so plan to bring your family and stay a little while.

As we prepare for 2022 let’s all plan to get out a little more and be a big part of our industry. Many state affiliates already have plans for their events in 2022, starting in early February 4-5 for the Rocky Mountain Summit and Expo. This multi-state program has proven to be a successful model for regional shows that bring together auto recyclers in the specific regions around the country. We are hoping that many more organizations will begin to reach out and include recyclers from their regions. Many auto recyclers are doing business with each other around the country and these regional shows are an effective way to bring those groups together.

If you have an event planned and want ARA to help support and promote it for you, please reach out to me so we can add it to the ARA Calendar of Events. We plan to attend every affiliate event in 2022.

Your new Executive Committee (EC) is highly engaged and already working to assure you that we will have your best interests at heart in everything we do. We want to welcome Eric Wilbert as the newest member of the EC. He brings experience and multi-generation knowledge of auto recycling along with his expertise of the self-service side of our industry.

At ARA we never forget that it is our job to protect the right of all auto recyclers to sell parts into the most profitable market without onerous restrictions assuring the future and profitability of our members. Your success is our only mission. Welcome to 2022. We look forward to seeing many of you this year!

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing you will be a success! – Albert Schweitzer

Reach Sandy Blalock at sandy@a-r-a.org. Share your thoughts pertaining to the advancement of professional automotive recycling.

Your letter could be published in an upcoming issue.

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