AI Is at Your Door

Feb 1, 2024 | Toolbox

As artificial intelligence technology becomes mainstream, knowledge and training are critical to your survival.

By Mike French

It wasn’t long ago, before computers were common in the industry, that most recyclers kept their vehicle inventory information in their heads. If you visited their facility and asked if they had the part you needed, they would say something like, “Yeah, we have it.” Without going out to look or using any kind of retrieval system. They just knew. They could tell you how many cars they had with that part. They could tell you the kind of vehicle it was on, its make, model, year, color, and exactly where each vehicle that had the part was located in their yard; it was all in their heads.

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Not Anymore!

As soon as computers arrived on the scene, along with the required software programs, vehicle data was entered into them, and any counter person could instantly retrieve the information about a part. This presented a new set of problems for the recycler. He now needed trained personnel who understood how to use computers. Soon, training sessions around computer usage began. Traveling trainers visited yards, and recycler conferences began to offer training sessions. Recyclers soon understood that computers and training were critical to their survival and growth.

AI Is Here and Advancing

Today, we’re facing something much bigger than the introduction of computers into the industry. It’s the massive advancement of new AI technology already exploding onto the scene and with it, many changes. The recycling industry will have to race to keep up. And yes, this will definitely affect you and your business dramatically and sooner than you can imagine; you won’t be able to visit a business without its presence. Many fast-food restaurants and grocery store chains are already replacing humans with touch screens and AI voice-controlled systems to place their orders. Some are even working on robotic systems to prepare and serve the meals. In the automotive industry, robots are already building cars. Elon Musk is creating human-like robots, which he says will soon be able to replace human workers in his multiple factories.

Recycler professionals must adapt their knowledge and abilities to keep up with the rapid advancements in technology and workplace techniques to stay in business.

You cannot escape it! AI is soon going to replace hundreds of thousands of jobs of all kinds, maybe even yours. And it’s going to seriously impact the way you must do business to stay afloat.

It Will Soon Be Too Late!

Just as people quickly learned how to use their cell phones to place orders instantly and conveniently, many will quickly learn and get used to new AI technology. And they will soon prefer and even expect it. If you aren’t getting on board with AI right now, it may soon be too late. And any competitor who has already adapted to it before you will acquire your customers. Don’t let that happen!

Recycler professionals must adapt their knowledge and abilities to keep up with the rapid advancements in technology and workplace techniques to stay in business. Attending recycler conferences is no longer an option; it’s an absolute necessity. Knowledge, training, and technological tools are the best strategies you can use to stay abreast of new AI technologies and know what you need to do to prevent being caught off balance.

Attend recycler conferences. They will keep you abreast of new advancements. Industry leaders are working hard to make sure recyclers know what’s going on, what they must do, and where to find the tools and resources necessary.

Mike French is retired after 39 years of business in the automotive recycling industry. He is an author, publisher, consultant, and speaker. Mike is the founder and executive director of the Christian Auto Recyclers and Vendors Association (CARVA) and will be at upcoming recycler trade shows and events. Mike is available to speak at your group, conference, or event. He loves to share inspirational stories that demonstrate how the Word of God actively changes lives. He can be reached at Visit and/or

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