The PART Act & It’s Impact on Catalytic Converter Theft

Apr 11, 2023 | News

In December 2022, Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore) introduced a bill at the federal level that would create a national framework to mark catalytic converters, while also establishing a set of criminal penalties intended to thwart catalytic converter theft.

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Called the Preventing Auto Recycling Theft (PART) Act, the bill is being applauded for introducing the concept of traceable identifying numbers stamped on catalytic converters at the time of assembly.

In addition to identifying marks on the converters, the PART Act is proposing recordkeeping requirements for purchasers of catalytic converters to offset the increase theft and purchasing of stolen catalytic converters. According to the National Dealers Association, catalytic converter thefts rose 353% in 2021. The penalty for the theft, sale or purchasing of stolen converters would be up to five years in jail.

To learn more about the PART Act and proposed legislation visit

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