EV Sales on the Rise in 2023

May 21, 2023 | News

Open any news site or watch any news channel and you’d be hard-pressed not to find continuous updates on the status of the electric vehicle industry. In fact, more and more consumers are turning their attention to the idea of purchasing an EV, as the prices for EVs slowly drop, tax incentives are introduced, and gas prices continue to remain higher.

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According to the research firm Cox Automotive, in the first quarter of 2023, the sales of EVs were up 45 percent from the previous year. And while Tesla continues to keep a strong grasp on selling the most EVs, Ford, Hyundai, GM and Volkswagen are not far behind. Together, according to Cox, auto manufacturers are expected to sell 1 million EVs in 2023.

And while the growth of EV passenger vehicles is on the rise, commercial-grade EVs are slower to be adopted – not because of their higher costs, limited range, or required charging infrastructure, but because automotive companies are slow to jump start production to meet the increasing interest on the part of commercial vehicle owners and operators.

To learn more visit The New York Times

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